In addition to paying association fees, a small
group of residents contribute financially to
the Pavement Project.
It has been many years since the municipality
entered our suburb, to clean our streets or
weed the verges, even though we have had
an increase in pedestrian traffic, and
unfortunately, vagrancy.
You may have seen the project gardeners,
and mistaken them for municipal workers.
They work on both sides of Louis Botha,
picking up litter, weeding and planting,
focusing on neglected areas.
Last year, on the Young avenue side
alone,1334 bags of litter and garden refuse
were removed, and taken to the dump. In
addition, branches, tyres, building waste and
illegal signage, were removed.
We are not a gardening service, and rely on
residents taking care of the area outside their
home, in order for us to deal with communal
and more vulnerable areas.
We need more residents to contribute on a
monthly basis, no amount is too small! Some
residents make a yearly donation.
If you would like to know more or wish to
contribute, please contact:
Brenda Randera: 082 463 8590 or on the
Young Avenue side:
Julia Hinton: 081 271 1890